Frank Genheimer from New Insurance Business will speak at the Online Session of Adacta FinTech on September, 24.
Challenged by talent retention, organizational culture, and inflexible legacy systems, traditional insurers often lack the speed and agility to bring their digital-first initiatives to life. Similar is true for new insurance start-ups.
“It is key for insurers, start-ups, and intermediaries to reconsider cooperation to deal with innovation and better customer service as well as for preparing for the platform and ecosystem economy. First and foremost, any new initiative requires a strong technological backbone.”
Frank Genheimer, New Insurance Business
When launching digital-first spin-offs, building start-ups, or simply rolling out new products, technology can either make or break the project. This Web Session will take a detailed look at technology guidelines for future innovators. Join it to find out about the latest trends in new business and cooperation models that are driving the change from the traditional value chain to platforms and ecosystems.
Register and more information can befound here.