Run-off activities have spread in life insurance business. Time to have a short (probably not comprehensive) overview on them:
After Heidelberger Leben (Cinven, Hannover Re), Delta Lloyd (Athene) and myLife (Augur Capital) a forth run-off platform has been installed in Germany: Frankfurter Leben Gruppe (BHF Bank, Fosun). They have acquired parts of Baloise’s business in force in Germany. Some details are found here, here and here.
A consortium has founded Palladio which took over the entire business in force of Zenith Vie SA. Some details are found here.
Austria / Germany
FWU took over Skandia (Austria) from Heidelberger Leben (Cinven, Hannover Re). Some details are found here.
Liechtenstein / Switzerland
Life Invest Holding (Inlife Holding, Hannover Re) acquired Skandia Leben AG (Switzerland), ASPECTA Assurance International AG (Liechtenstein), Skandia Leben (Liechtenstein) as well as UNIQA Lebensversicherung AG (Liechtenstein). Some details are found here.
New Insurance Business (St. Gallen, Switzerland) is a consulting company that offers strategic and tactical business and management consulting for insurance companies and their cooperation partners.